Tambo’s Grassland Gallery was the longest trip for Sense of Wonder, way out to the central west of Queensland. The place of the Barcoo River, big skies, road-trains, grey vegetation, claypans, cattle and kangaroos and we loved every second. Tambo pops out of the vast flatness like a little green oasis and it’s a beautiful well-cared-for little town that loves its art. It is also the home of the famous Tambo Teddies. The sense of pride in its history is evident and we spent many hours visiting and learning from the displays in the beautiful old buildings.
Tambo is a town that everyone stops at and Sense of Wonder was visited by travellers from all around the country especially the caravanners. It was the very last town on our tour, finishing mid September 2017 and will always hold a special spot in our hearts.
Interesting Fact: As Tambo was the last town on our tour it was decided to sell off some items of furniture to lighten the long haul back. The large comfy couch and the duchess now have a permanent place in Cindy’s right next door to the gallery.